Show Your Support
Attend our events. Bring your friends and share your favorite stories & artifacts with each other. Ask your children's teachers if they'd consider coming to the museum on a field trip. Engage with us on social media (Facebook & Instagram). Tell us what we're doing well and what you'd like to see
more of. Show us that you value what we do—it's your support that keeps us doing it.
Become a Member or Donate
We rely on support from visitors and donors to keep our mission running. We provide tours to thousands of students, and we run events, public programs, and exhibits for visitors of all ages. If you would like to help us with our work, you can become a member or donate to the museum. If you'd like to donate by cash or check, contact us by phone or email.
Be a Collections Intern
We're now accepting internship applications for 2022. These positions are currently unpaid.
Collections Intern Job Description and Application
Apply to
join our volunteers in the archaeology lab or on the dig site, or leading tours in the museum gallery.