New this year: Purchase a VIP pass for the exclusive VIP Hour, 11 a.m.-Noon ONLY! $5 in advance or at the door. Advance purchases close Thursday, May 2 at 9 a.m. https://secure.touchnet.com/C21738_ustores/web/product_detail.jsp?PRODUCTID=110&SINGLESTORE=true
- Priority shopping—only VIP pass holders and museum members will be admitted during the VIP Hour.
- Passholders receive a 10% discount at vendor booths during VIP Hour. Only museum members continue to receive the discount after noon.
- All VIP pass advance purchasers are entered in a chance to win a $30 Visa gift card (two will be given away). There are 2 ways to win:
1) Buy your Spring Artisan Market VIP Pass by 1 p.m. on Wednesday, May 1. Winner #1 will be announced May 1 before 4 p.m.
2) Winner #2 will be drawn from all other VIP Pass advance purchases. Winner #2 will be announced on Thursday, May 2 at 11:30 a.m.
- Museum members receive FREE admittance during VIP Hour. Members must purchase a VIP pass in advance to be registered to win the gift cards.
BACKYARD BIRD NERD Watercolors, children's books, journals
BAKED SUNSHINE Hand-crafted biscotti & breads
COUNTRY Q’S Candles, air fresheners, goat’s milk soaps & lotions
CROSSROADS HOMEMADE GOODIES Jams, jellies, & preserves
DAS BUEHLER HAUS Fabric bags for wine & more
DOGS LOVE IT Healthy homemade dog treats
FRYERWORKS Handmade pottery
GLASS CREATIONS Stained glass suncatchers, jewelry, mosaics
THE GLASS DUDE Glass art and jewelry
THE GOLIAD FORGE Blacksmithing
GULF BREEZE WINERY Wine varietals & blends
THE HERB COTTAGE Seasonal plants and herbal wellness
JL SOAPS Small-batch soaps, body & beard products
MOONSIDE MACARON Homemade French macarons
SAM ROBERSON WOODWORKING Turned wood bowls, rolling pins and more
THE SALTY SELKIE Hand painted art objects
SANTA ROSA POTTERY Thrown & hand-built ceramics
SOUTH TEXAS PECANS Pecans, pecan oil, pecan treats
T&L BLADE COMPANY Handmade knives
VC ACADEMY OF LIFELONG LEARNING Enrichment opportunities
VC DIRT NERDS & ART CLUB Fine art by VC students & faculty
VICTORIA PRESERVATION INC Heritage books & keepsakes
WOOD-N-TREASURES Mesquite wood creations